Items submitted by Dr Daniel Jones
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Number of items submitted by this user: 114
Bathypterois phenax Blackfin spiderfish
Long nosed Chimera
Alcyonacean (soft coral)
Poliometra prolixa
Chamber sponge
Unknown sponge
Giant club sponge
Giant club sponge
Sponge Cladorhiza gelida
Sponge Asbestopluma bihamatifera
Sponge Asbestopluma bihamatifera
Anemone, Halcampa arctica
Hydroid Corymorpha groenlandica
Hydroid Tubularia regalis
Hydroid Tubularia regalis
Hydroid Corymorpha glacialis
Soft coral Alcyonacean
Jelly Lucernaria bathyphila
Sabellidae sp.
Sea snail
Sea spider Nymphon sp.
Seastar Pontaster tenuispinus
Seastar Crossaster squamatus
Seastar Henricia sp.
Seastar Poraniid
Seastar Poraniid
Seastar Pteraster miliaris
Seastar Hymenaster pellucidus
Arctic rockling Gaidropsarus argentatus
Eelpout Lycodes sp.
Eelpout Lycodes esmarkii
Scorpion fish Cottunculus microps
Arctic skate? Amblyraja hyperborea
Octocoral and associated ophiuroids from Mauritania
Comatulid crinoid from Mauritania
Lithodid crab from Mauritania (Neolithodes asperrimus)
Holothurian from Mauritania
Lithodid crab from Mauritania (Paralomis africana?)
Octopus from Mauritania (Benthoctopus sp.?)
Hermit crab (Parapagurus pilosimanus) with zoanthid on back(Epizoanthus paguriphilus) at lower right of image. Probable Edwardsid anemone in centre.
Polycheles crustacean
Alepocephalus sp. Slickhead.
Bathyraja sp. Ray.
Centroscyllium fabricii. Black dogfish.
Cerianthid anemone.
Goniasterid seastar.
Halosaurid Halosaur
Indeterminate Macrourid Rattail
Lophius budegasa monkfish
Munida squat lobsters
Orange sponge
Palemonid prawn
Pennatulid sea pen
Bathynomus giganteus - Giant Isopod
Ceranthid anemone
Ceranthid anemone capture
Chrysogorgia sp. Soft coral
Chrysogorgia sp. Soft coral
Democrinus sp. or Monachocrinus sp.
Flabellum moseleyi - cupcoral
Nymphaster arenatus Seastar
Sabellid polychaete Tube worm
scyphozoan jelly
Sea cucumber (holothurian)
Unknown cnidarian
Unknown cnidarian
Unknown (probably echiuran)
Bathynomus giganteus - Giant Isopod
Lophiodes beroe monkfish from Brazil
Grenadier from Angola
Dogshark from Angola
Piglet squid from Cieba field Equatorial Guinea
Deep-water chimera. Hydrolagus affinis, the Smalleyed rabbitfish
Manta Rays off Angola
Sinobatis borneensis, the Borneo leg skate
Seal attacking Ling
Warsaw Grouper - Epinephelus nigritus
Octopus - Eledone cirrhosa
Leachia sp. cranchiid squid
Todarodes squid
Cnidarians from Mozambique
possibly Parapagurus pilosimanus (and Epizoanthus paguriphilus anemone) from Mozambique
holothurian from Mozambique
Echinoid from Mozambique (possibly Phormosoma placenta)
a ctenophore from Mozambique
Cnidarians from Mozambique
Hard substratum communities from Golfinho Mozambique
Oreo (Neocyttus acanthorhynchus) from Golfinho Mozambique
Antimora rostrata
Anarhichas minor (Spotted Wolffish)
Rhinochimaera from Gulf of Mexico
Coryphaenoides mediterraneus (Mediterranean grenadier)
Tripodfish from India
Octopus (Muusoctopus johnsonianus? or new species) from Gulf of Mexico
Rhinochimaera Harriotta raleighana (narrownose chimaera) from Gulf of Mexico
Tremaster mirabilis at Laggan
Octopus from Usan
Ray from Usan
Lophiiform fish from Usan
Lithodid crab (Paralomis cristulata?) from Usan
Sea star from Usan
Grenadier fish from Usan
Notostomum laeve
Holothurian from Mozambique
Diplopteraster multipes
Nettastoma melanurum
Bathyphysa conifera? (Rhizophysid Siphonophore)
CitationIn any downloading or consulting of the data from this website, the visitor acknowledges that he/she agrees to the following: Jones, D.O.B., Gates, A.R., Curry, R.A., Thomson, M., Pile, A., Benfield, M. (Eds) (2009). SERPENT project. Media database archive. Available online at accessed on If any data constitutes a substantial proportion of the records used in secondary analysis, the authors/managers of the database should be contacted. In any case, there are additional data which may prove valuable to such analyses. SERPENT Image and Video Archive is running on GNU EPrints repository-creating software, which generates eprints repositories that are compliant with the Open Archives Protocol for Metadata Harvesting OAI 1.1 and 2.0. The GNU EPrints repository-creating software is available for free at More information is available about the repository. |
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