Ray, Brazil

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Ray, BrazilRay, Brazil


A large ray on the sea bed off the coast of Brazil

Item Type:Image
Title:Ray, Brazil
Creator(s):Barber, Andy
Identification:Gates, Andrew
Date:24 April 2007
Classification:Kingdom Animalia > Phylum Chordata (Chordates) > Class Chondrichthyes (Rays, Sharks & relatives) > Rajiformes (Rays, skates & sawfishes)
Behaviour:Swimming along seabed
Site:Atlantic > South Atlantic > Brazil
Regions > South America > Brazil
Site Description:Seafloor
Depth (m):110
Countries:Sites > Atlantic > South Atlantic > Brazil
South America > Brazil
Rig:Acergy Discovery
Project Partners:Canyon Offshore Ltd, Acergy, Petrobras
ROV:SeaEye Tiger ObsROV
Keywords:Ray, pipes, diver
Deposited By:Rob Curry
Deposited On:22 May 2007

Available Versions of this Item

  • Ray, Brazil (deposited 22 May 2007) [Currently Displayed]

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