Country: Mauritania

Number of items: 34.

Actinarian anemone (1 file)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 1308m
Behaviour: Attached to seabed.

Alepocephalus sp. Slickhead. (1 file)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 1268m
Behaviour: Swimming above the seabed.

Bathyraja sp. Ray. (1 file)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 991.9m
Behaviour: Resting on the seabed.

Benthothurian sea cucumber (1 file)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 1500
Behaviour: Resting on seafloor

Brittlestar (1 file)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 1500
Behaviour: Resting on seafloor

Centroscyllium fabricii. Black dogfish. (1 file)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 1300.5m
Behaviour: Swimming above the seabed.

Cerianthid anemone. (1 file)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 1197m
Behaviour: Attached to the seabed.

Comatulid crinoid from Mauritania (2 files)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 1343
Behaviour: on steep slope

Corphaenoides sp. (1 file)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 1158
Behaviour: Swimming near seabed

Cuttlefish (Order Sepiida) (1 file)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 1308m
Behaviour: Swimming.

Digitate cusk eel (Dicrolene intronigra) (1 file)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 1500
Behaviour: Swimming

Elpida sea cucumber (1 file)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 1500
Behaviour: Resting on seafloor

Goniasterid seastar. (1 file)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 991.7m
Behaviour: On the seabed, possibly feeding.

Halosaurid Halosaur (1 file)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 1455m
Behaviour: Swimming over the seabed.

Hermit crab (Parapagurus pilosimanus) with zoanthid on back(Epizoanthus paguriphilus) at lower right of image. Probable Edwardsid anemone in centre. (1 file)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 1374
Behaviour: On seabed, moving.

Holothurian from Mauritania (2 files)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 1319
Behaviour: feeding on seafloor

Indeterminate Macrourid Rattail (1 file)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 1455m
Behaviour: Swimming over the seabed.

Lithodid crab from Mauritania (Neolithodes asperrimus) (3 files)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 1315
Behaviour: near oil well protection structure

Lithodid crab from Mauritania (Paralomis africana?) (1 file)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 1050

Lophius budegasa monkfish (1 file)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 1455m
Behaviour: Swimming over the seabed.

Macrourid (Rattail) (1 file)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 1308m
Behaviour: Swimming above the seabed.

Munida squat lobsters (1 file)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 1114.6m
Behaviour: A group of squat lobsters possibly feeding on the seabed.

Octocoral and associated ophiuroids from Mauritania (8 files)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 1340
Behaviour: Found on a slope

Octopus from Mauritania (1 file)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 1314
Behaviour: Resting, Swimming

Octopus from Mauritania (Benthoctopus sp.?) (14 files)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 1313
Behaviour: on seabed

Orange sponge (1 file)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 1114.6m
Behaviour: An unidentified orange sponge on the seabed.

Palemonid prawn (1 file)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 1114.6m
Behaviour: A Palemonid prawn swimming.

Pennatulid sea pen (1 file)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 1456.7m
Behaviour: A Pennatulid sea pen on the seabed.

Phormosoma urchin (2 files)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 1500
Behaviour: Resting on seafloor

Polycheles crustacean (3 files)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 1324
Behaviour: usually found burrowing in seabed. Swims up when disturbed by ROV

Swimming sea cucumber (1 file)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 1500
Behaviour: Resting on seafloor

Venus flytrap anenome (1 file)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 1500
Behaviour: Attached to seafloor, tentacles closed

Venus Flytrap Sea anemone (1 file)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 1500
Behaviour: Resting

View of Boa Deep C (1 file)
Site: Atlantic > Northern Tropical Atlantic > Tiof
Depth (m): 0

This list was generated on Thu Sep 10 18:16:50 BST 2020.


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Jones, D.O.B., Gates, A.R., Curry, R.A., Thomson, M., Pile, A., Benfield, M. (Eds) (2009). SERPENT project. Media database archive. Available online at accessed on

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