Highlights from Eastern Mediterranean

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Video highlights from a SERPENT visit to the Discoverer Americas at the Kiwi site in the Eastern Mediterranean in December 2010. The crab Chaceon mediterraneus and three species of fish (Bathypterois mediterraneus, Chalinura mediterranea and Cataetyx laticeps) were the only species observed

Item Type:Video
Title:Highlights from Eastern Mediterranean
Creator(s):Gates, Andrew
Identification:Cartes, Joan
Date:19 December 2010
Copyright:SERPENT Project
Classification:Kingdom Animalia > Phylum Chordata (Chordates) > Class Actinopterygii (Ray finned Fish) > Gadiformes (Cods) > Macrouridae (Rattails), Kingdom Animalia > Phylum Chordata (Chordates) > Class Actinopterygii (Ray finned Fish) > Order Aulopiformes (Grinners, Lizardfishes), Kingdom Animalia > Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods) > Class Malacostraca (Crabs, krill, pill bugs, shrimps, prawns) > Order Decapoda (Crabs, lobsters, prawns, shrimps) > Family Geryonidae (Deep sea crabs), Kingdom Animalia > Phylum Chordata (Chordates) > Class Actinopterygii (Ray finned Fish) > Ophidiformes (Ophidid fish)
Species:Bathypterois mediterraneus, Chaceon mediterraneus, Chalinura mediterranea, Cataetyx laticeps
Site:Atlantic > Mediterranean > Eastern Mediterranean > Kiwi
Site Description:Seafloor
Depth (m):2720m
Latitude:32 deg 15' 33" N
Longitude:28 deg 38' 45" W
Countries:North Africa > Egypt
North Africa > Egypt
Substratum:deep-sea mud
Rig:Discoverer Americas
Project Partners:Statoil, Transocean, Oceaneering
Keywords:Bathypterois mediterraneus, Cataetyx laticeps, Chaceon mediterraneus, Mediterranean, Chalinura medierranea
Deposited By:Dr Andrew Gates
Deposited On:23 May 2011

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